Universities & Programs

  • Program-NO-test02

    Name of University/学校名称: testSc (测试院校) Program Type/项目类型: Programs before Degree Studies Program Name/项目名称: Program-NO-test02 (核物理-测试02) Qualifica……...

  • Program-test02

    Name of University/学校名称: testSc (测试院校) Program Name/项目名称: Program-test02 (学历项目-测试02) ……...

  • Program-NO-test01

    Name of University/学校名称: testSc (测试院校) Program Type/项目类型: Programs before Degree Studies Program Name/项目名称: Program-NO-test01 (核物理-测试01) Qualifica……...

  • degree program

    Name of University/学校名称: Zunyi Vocational and Technical College (遵义职业技术学院) Program Name/项目名称: degree program ……...

  • Program-test01

    Name of University/学校名称: testSc (测试院校) Program Name/项目名称: Program-test01 (学历项目-测试01) ……...

Study application

Welcome to study in China. We hope the following application guide can help you start your learning journey in China.

Career Opportunity

Career Fair for International Students in China

To support the Belt and Road Initiative and to meet the demand of international talents, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, the Career Fair for International Students in China have been h...

Alumni China



白乐桑   图片来源:北京大学    白乐桑(Joël Bellassen)法国著名汉学家。1950年出生于阿尔及利亚,1973年,成为法国第一批公派赴华留学生,1973年至1974年在北京语言学院(现北京语言大学)进修汉语,1974…… ...

Levente Horvath

Levente Horvath

乐文特(Levente Horvath) 图片来源:复旦大学   乐文特(Levente Horvath),现任匈牙利国家银行司长,曾任匈牙利驻上海领事馆总领事。2007至2015年在复旦大学学习,先后获得中国政府奖学金以及上海市外国留…… ...